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Beyond the services offered by the Community Justice Centers in person, here are some useful resources providing free legal information to citizens on the Internet.

Provincial Organizations


Barreau du Québec – For the public

To ensure the protection of the public, the Barreau du Québec oversees professional legal practice, promotes the rule of law, enhances the image of the profession and supports members in their practice. The section « For the public » of its website offers interesting information for citizens, including all vignettes from “Le droit de savoir”, a television series aimed at informing the public on certain aspects of Québec’s laws. One may also find information on the search for a will, the client-lawyer relationship and access to justice. Visit the website.

Centre d’accès à l’information juridique

The Centre d’accès à l’information juridique is a non-profit organization created with the purpose of facilitating access to legal information for the entire legal profession. CAIJ is an organization related to the Barreau du Québec. Its website offers a list of many resources that citizens can refer themselves to, including papers, legal doctrine and a dictionary of legal terms. Visit the website. 

Chambre des notaires du Québec

The Chambre des notaires’ mission is to ensure the protection of the public by promoting the use of law in a preventive manner, supporting an innovative notarial profession always striving for excellence in the public’s interest, and aiming to make justice more accessible. The organization’s website provides numerous information regarding family law, successions and wills, as well as business and real estate. Visit the website.

Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse

The Commission’s mission is to promote and uphold the principles stated in the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, the Youth Protection Act and the Youth Criminal Justice Act. On it’s website, the Commission offers information regarding discrimination, harassment, exploitation and more generally, on the rights and freedom guaranteed by the Charter. Visit the website.

Commission des normes, de l’équité et de la santé et de la sécurité du travail

The CNESST promotes labor rights and obligations and ensures their respect, both with workers and employers in Quebec. Its website contains information on labor laws, occupational accidents and diseases, prevention and pay equity. Visit the website.

Commission des services juridiques

The Commission des services juridiques is the agency charged with applying the Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services in Québec. Legal aid is provided to people who meet certain financial criteria and for certain types of services in family, civil, administrative and criminal matters and youth protection. On its website, one can find legal information sheets, chronicles and practical memory aids. Visit the website.

Curateur public

The Curateur public is responsible for protecting incapacitated individuals. It educates the public about the protection needs associated with incapacity, and supports families and close friends who are representing incapacitated individuals, administering the property of an incapacitated person or a minor, or serving as members of a tutorship council. Its website provides numerous information regarding incapacity (mandate, tutorship, curatorship, etc.). Visit the website.


Éducaloi is a non-profit organization who gave itself the mission to inform Quebec citizens of their rights and obligations by putting at their disposal reliable legal information, given in a simple and accessible language. On its website, citizens can find many free legal information sheets. Visit the website.

Fondation du Barreau du Québec

The Fondation du Barreau du Québec is a non-profit organization who plays a leading role in the legal research field. It supports published works for legal professionals and publishes useful and relevant legal information tools for the greater public. These publications are distributed free of charge and are available on its website. Visit the website.

Gouvernement du Québec

The government’s web portal provides general information regarding programs and services available to citizens, businesses and international clientele through the government or other organizations, as the case may be. Visit the website.

Institut de médiation et d’arbitrage du Québec

The Institut de médiation et d’arbitrage du Québec is a non-profit organization whose mission is to make known and promote alternative dispute resolution methods. The IMAQ does not provide institutional mediation or arbitration services. It rather brings together accredited mediators and arbitrators who offer mediation and arbitration services and gives individuals and businesses access, through its website, to a list of these professionals according to their competence and expertise. Visit the website.

Ministère de la Justice du Québec

The Ministère’s website puts at the public’s disposal leaflets and brochures in plain language destined to facilitate the understanding of laws and regulations applicable to everyday life situations. Its website offers, amongst others, documentation on marriage, common-law spouses, wills and successions and family mediation, as well as numerous forms, such as those regarding recourses before the Small Claims Division of the Court of Québec. Visit the website.

Office de la protection du consommateur

The Office de la protection du consommateur monitors the application of the laws that are under its responsibility, such as the Consumer Protection Act, informs consumers collectively and individually, educates them and receives their complaints. Moreover, it fosters concerted action amongst the stakeholders of the consumer market. Visit the website.

Protecteur du citoyen

The Protecteur du citoyen conducts investigations following complaints or alerts from individuals, groups, organizations or businesses who consider themselves victims of an error or injustice from a department or agency of the Government of Québec or an institution falling within the health and social services network. The Protecteur du citoyen is independent from the government, neutral and impartial. The complaints are processed confidentially. The services are free and easily accessible. Visit the website.


Protégez-vous’s website aims at provinding individuals with tools enabling them to « better consume and better live ». It offers numerous chronicles s regarding consumer’s rights. Moreover, many partners of Proté, such as the Chambre des notaires, the Office de la protection du consommateur, the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec, the Community Justice Centers and many others, publish on its website articles on various legal subjects. Visit the website (in French only).

Régie du logement

The Régie du logement is a specialized tribunal that has jurisdiction over residential lease matters. Its mission consists in rendering decisions in cases filed before it using rules of procedure that are simple and respectful of natural justice principles, in informing citizens of the rights and obligations arising out of a lease so as to avoid conflicts, and in encouraging conciliation between landlords and tenants. Its website provides templates of notices for landlords and tenants, as well as many information sheets on housing law. Visit the website.

Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec

The Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec is an organization under the jurisdiction of the Ministère des Transports and whose mission is to protect individuals against the risks of road accidents. Its website offers information on the rights and obligations provided under the Act respecting the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec. It also provides information leaflets on road safety, compensation in the case of a road accident, mandatory insurance, etc. Visit the website.

Tribunal administratif du Québec

When a person files a application contesting a decision of a department, agency (régie, board, hospital, etc.) or municipality, the Tribunal administratif du Québec (TAQ) must hold a hearing and determine whether this decision should be modified, quashed or upheld. The Tribunal also offers conciliation sessions. Visit the website.

Tribunaux judiciaires du Québec

The official website of the Court of Appeal of Québec, the Superior Court of Québec, the Court of Québec and the Human Rights Tribunal. It provides information on their judges and many documents pertaining to their operations. Visit the website.

Votre Boussole juridique

This tool, offered by Pro Bono Québec, consists in a directory of free or low-cost legal resources available in Québec. It offers links towards helpful organizations, amongst which many offer on their website legal information, chronicles and capsules. Visit the website.

Laws, regulations and court or organization decisions


Lois et règlements du Québec

Les Publications du Québec offers a free access to Québec’s laws and regulations. A search can be done through an alphabetical list of legislation or by keywords. Visit the website.

Lois et règlements du Canada

This website enables individuals to access Canada’s laws and regulations through basic or advanced searches. Visit the website.

SOQUIJ – Services aux citoyens – Trouver une décision

As a partner of the Ministère de la Justice du Québec, the Société québécoise d’information juridique offers access to judgments rendered by administrative and judicial tribunals, through a search engine using keywords. A list of judgments rendered monthly is also available. Visit the website.

Code civil du Québec annoté

The Code civil du Québec annoté, « CCQA », is a free online version of the Civil Code of Québec, divided by sections. The sections of the CCQA may be found either with their number or by a full text search. Browsing is also possible by book, title, chapter or section. Visit the website.

Institut canadien d’information juridique (CANLII)

CanLII is a non-profit organization managed by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. CanLII’s goal is to make Canadian law accessible for free on the Internet. This website provides access to court judgments, tribunal decisions, statutes and regulations from all Canadian jurisdictions. Visit the website.

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